Recently hearing Ron DeSantis talk about his state of Florida being the place where “wokeness comes to die”, began a thought process of associating the hubris of that ideation, coupled by the ignorant gullibility of his supporters, and their terror driven need to eliminate Critical Race Theory. There is no place for wokeness to die. It’s unkillable, like the fascist leanings of a society that hopes so desperately for its demise. The death sentence pronounced upon this increasingly vilified state of being has been handed down by a group of seemingly fragile and new generation of Americans, too afraid to acknowledge the uncomfortable history associated with people they distance themselves from, only when convenient. Wokeness is here to stay. There’s no putting the preverbal Genie back in the bottle. It’s out and it’s been out. The more this broken Democracy attempts to deny the history that created its current abysmal condition in the first place, the harder the transition from...
We can all see it clearly now. Each day we all inch closer and closer to the precipice of The Promise of Punishment for these individuals, those Descendants of Our Oppressors who've shown nothing but a vile and intense disrespect and disregard for God's Creation and The Set Apart as they put so much into obtaining more than they need while maintaining a growing gap between the "haves" and the "have nots", doing things that can only originate from an Unseen Place of Pure Evil. It's an odd mix of those for and against the current path this country careens toward in full view, waiting in anticipation for some great event that may correct the tide of right wing white nationalism taking hold of the globe as it's only a matter of time until though those from the East listening to the hissing noise coming from those in the West b ecome more and more aggravated and intolerable of such constant reminders that the consequences of their lies are just beyond ...
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