Wokeness: Nowhere to Die!


Recently hearing Ron DeSantis talk about his state of Florida being the place where “wokeness comes to die”, began a thought process of associating the hubris of that ideation, coupled by the ignorant gullibility of his supporters, and their terror driven need to eliminate Critical Race Theory.

There is no place for wokeness to die. It’s unkillable, like the fascist leanings of a society that hopes so desperately for its demise. The death sentence pronounced upon this increasingly vilified state of being has been handed down by a group of seemingly fragile and new generation of Americans, too afraid to acknowledge the uncomfortable history associated with people they distance themselves from, only when convenient.

Wokeness is here to stay. There’s no putting the preverbal Genie back in the bottle. It’s out and it’s been out. The more this broken Democracy attempts to deny the history that created its current abysmal condition in the first place, the harder the transition from a falsely claimed free society, to that of one that has been projected by Prophecy to be Destroyed and Enslaved will be for the surviving and present inhabitants.

With wokeness comes warning. Those awakened can awaken others who are not woke. If everyone’s asleep, what’s next. We all know. The Great Deception. It’s all being orchestrated and directed with expert precision. Food shortages. Drought. Social unrest. Political uncertainty. Like a symphony written to the screams of those that suffer so horrifically within this nightmare, The Conductor is hoping to lead this orchestrated chaos directly into the Abyss of Destruction!

Hope and belief in The Kingdom are most certainly included in that list of woke principles folks like Ron DeSantis hopes to stamp out with his racist, fear fueled rhetoric. A Kingdom he most assuredly claims to have a familiarity with every Sunday yet denies with the actions of a frustrated right-wing white nationalist, terrified of a future he envisions that doesn’t include him or his progeny!

This sentiment is the poisonous foundation built on a revived, failed movement that’s gripping the United Snakes by the throat, cutting off the consciousness and conscience, held thinly in place by checks and balances of Causcastic compromise, created long ago. As time wears thin the gathers that kept hidden the ugliness of this place and its occupants, we Negroes who are held here by Prophecy and circumstance can only wonder what may come next from these beings that have for too long been a part of our long-suffered existence.

This “War on Wokeness” is a telling and ominous sign reflecting the desperation and fear of those that can see only themselves, and noone else. The myopic mentality of these creatures expressed in their vocal and sometimes violent “need to deny” seems unstoppable. However, they’re destined to meet head on with the immovable object of Truth, fast approaching and determined to prove it’s worthy of respect!

No, Ron DeSantis, Wokeness has NOWHERE to Die!

There’s FAR too much to live for!


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