
Showing posts from September, 2022

ITS HAPPENING!! One World Religion 2022 | Chrislam | Pope Francis


We Can All See It Clearly Now

  We can all see it clearly now. Each day we all inch closer and closer to the precipice of The Promise of Punishment for these individuals, those Descendants of Our Oppressors who've shown nothing but a vile and intense disrespect and disregard for God's Creation and The Set Apart as they put so much into obtaining more than they need while maintaining a growing gap between the "haves" and the "have nots", doing things that can only originate from an Unseen Place of Pure Evil. It's an odd mix of those for and against the current path this country careens toward in full view, waiting in anticipation for some great event that may correct the tide of right wing white nationalism taking hold of the globe as it's only a matter of time until though those from the East listening to the hissing noise coming from those in the West b ecome more and more aggravated and intolerable of such constant reminders that the consequences of their lies are just beyond ...

Maddow: Endgame Of GOP Undermining Elections Is To Evade Accountability ...

People who associate themselves with being "white" on this planet are slowly being driven insane to the detriment of all others that don't identify with or look like them. When will the world face the fact that there are a specific group of people that this seems to repeatedly occur within? We dealt with Aryan people in the mid-century with the same false belief of superiority as they got their asses kicked. Now the low frequency losers are trying to make a comeback. They seem everywhere consistently pushing the same losing mantra! They are better, everyone else is less. However, genetically these same people are found to be recessive in every respect. This constant harping on the superiority of clearly genetically recessive and not dominant people, is getting on the collective nerves of people of color on this planet. The numbers of these self-identified individuals are dwindling fast, which leads to the frantic need they seem to have to remain the dominant species on th...

Hungary, Italy, Sweden and More: A Right Wing Wave Rises in Europe
